And now... An Interview with kladegaming, conducted by Irene Delgado
Irene: Good Morning, how are you today Klade?
Klade: I am quite well, thank you for asking, how about yourself?
Irene: That doesn't matter- The people in your comment section demand answers.
Klade: ...and I am here to provide them.
Irene: "When is your Birthday?"... britishskeletal wants to know.
Klade: the 20th of June 1998.
Irene: Interesting... that makes you a ... gemini... correct?
Klade: Yes. But that wasn't part of britishskeletals question.
Irene: ...Lets continue: pigeon_girl asks, "you once mentioned you are vegetarian, is that true? If it is true, why?
Klade: The taste and smell of meat makes me feel sick.
Irene: Interesting...
Klade: Is it?
Irene: Shh!!! ahem... where were we? doughnut342 desires an answer to the following question: do you have any siblings?
Klade: I do not.
Irene: A very straightforward answer. If I may add to the question, do you wish you had siblings?
Klade: I... Maybe. I think it would be nice to have an older brother or sister to help guide you through life. Something like that.
Irene: ...halo12346 wants to know; "Facereveal? Or are you going to the Youtuber Convention????"
Klade: No and No. At least not in the near future.
It was at this moment, Klade took a corner of his notebook and started doodling on it. I watched carefully as he handed me the ripped off piece, with a crudely drawn version of, presumably, himself, standing in front of the youtuber convention.
Klade: This will have to do for the time being, I present: the official kladegaming facereveal!

Irene: I am sure halo123456 is thankful! lets move on. Nuclearfive asks: If your House was on fire and you could only save 3 things, what would they be?
Klade: hmm... does it have to be actual physical things or... what are the limitations?
Irene: It's not specified.
Klade: I'll stay realistic then... I would save... my photoalbum... My ds... I have to gauge what things I own that have intrinsically more emotional value--
Unforunately, our interview was cut short by the school bell, but be sure to stay tuned for the second half of the elusive kladegaming interview, and to find out what
the third thing is he would save from his burning house. Thank you for reading! -Irene
You Have another Question for kladegaming? Email me and I'll get your question aswered ASAP: